A review by nbiblioholic
Troublemaker by Linda Howard


I'd like to start this off by saying that I'm a huge fan of Linda Howard. Ever since I read [b:Mr. Perfect|469901|Mr. Perfect|Linda Howard|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1327960914s/469901.jpg|487629], a copy of which I have in paperback, I became addicted to her writing. She seemed to have an innate sense of when to pull back on the romance and introduce spine-tingling doses of terror! The suspense was always woven effortlessly throughout the plot, and although for the most part we knew who the bad guy was, how he would meet his end was still a mystery. The steady build towards the climax was definitely felt. If I were to sum up her work in one word, it would be intense.

This book wasn't intense. As interesting and as entertaining as many will find the story of Morgan (government mercenary) and Isabeau (administrative Chief of Police), this story had more of a contemporary feel than a suspenseful one. It started off strong and along the lines of what I expected, with Morgan being ambushed, shot and in critical condition. However, once Bo (Isabeau) was introduced, I felt the vibe of the story change. The plot seemed to be more about Tricks the dog (Isabeau's) than about Morgan and the situation he found himself a victim to. It was a bit off-putting, if I were to be honest, but once I accepted this change, I found that I was able to enjoy how everything developed.

So was I disappointed? In a way, but that's only because I went into this book with certain expectations. It worked out and I really liked the story once I removed those expectations. If I could offer some advice to future readers of this story: go into this with an open mind and heart and allow Linda Howard, an accomplished master of the pen, to take you off the beaten path.

Release Date: December 27, 2016
Genre: Romantic Suspense
POV: Dual - 3rd person
Steam: 2 out of 5
Series or Standalone: Standalone
Publisher: HarperCollins