A review by araskov
From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout


From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout is a unique journey into a world where destiny, duty, and desire converge to shape the fate of Poppy, a Maiden whose life is not her own. Chosen to usher in a new era, Poppy grapples with the solitary existence mandated for a Maiden—no touch, no glance, no pleasure. The anticipation of her Ascension weighs heavy, yet she finds solace fighting alongside the guards against the evil that claimed her family.

Armentrout's writing effortlessly immerses readers in the complexities of Poppy's life, where duty to the kingdom clashes with the longing of a heart and soul. The introduction of Hawke, a golden-eyed guard bound by honor to ensure Poppy's Ascension, introduces a forbidden temptation that weaves desire into the tapestry of destiny. The chemistry between Poppy and Hawke sparks with tension, inciting anger and questioning long-held beliefs.

As the narrative unfolds, a fallen kingdom, forsaken by gods and fueled by vengeance, rises to reclaim what they deem theirs. The blurred line between forbidden and right adds layers of complexity to the story. The foreshadowing, while sometimes obvious, keeps readers wondering about the twists and turns that lie ahead.

Armentrout's strength in character development shines through, making it easy to love or hate characters based on their involvement in Poppy's tumultuous journey. The emotional engagement deepens, and the immersive writing style ensures a connection with the characters' struggles and triumphs.

**While the pacing may feel long-winded at times, one can hope it serves as a foundation for a more fast-paced series in subsequent books.** The anticipation generated by the foreshadowing adds spice to the narrative, enticing readers to hang on for the promise of more intense excitement in the sequels.

Armentrout's ability to craft a world full of intrigue and emotion makes this novel a promising start to a series that holds the potential for even greater adventures ahead, so long as the following kick off running.