A review by mmotleyu
Redeployment by Phil Klay


I listened to this book, and (embarrassingly) it took me awhile to figure out that these stories weren't all about the same characters... that sort of thing is much more apparent when you see the chapter titles! This novel is used at our school in a senior literature class in a war unit, so I wanted to read it to know what the students are experiencing here. Some of the content and language are very adult in this book-- many f bombs and adult situations like a first visit to a whore house, a whole unit that has the clap because they share a sex toy, etc. I did, however, find the stories as a whole to be very compelling. I felt like I understood especially what it was like to be a young soldier returning from deployment and not knowing how to reintegrate into a "normal" life. As an adult, I think it's a powerful book. I think students here read 3 of the stories and I have heard that it has been a successful teaching tool.