A review by desiree_mcl
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Bad Bargain by Diana G. Gallagher


3.5 stars.

One of my goals this year is to read more of the BTVS novels I have. So I've started early on this goal.

I enjoyed this one. It had some of the elements that I really like in a Buffy story, one of those elements is having a normal girl/student problem, along with a Slayer problem. A rummage sale is going on at school and Joyce is in the middle of her keep Buffy on track and know where and what she's doing after school hours kick. Now on top of all of that, the Hellmouth has been releasing little demonic plagues/viruses (for lack of a better word) that are causing bad things to happen to people and they are using items at the sale to infect the wearer's/users/etc.

One thing that did bother me was that the time line was a little messed up. Not much, I don't think it would bother anyone who has only watched the show a couple times but for anyone that has seen the show multiple times it might bother them. There are indicators that it's post Halloween and pre-Surprise. If the timeline had remained vague it would have been fine but there were moments pinpointed that made the timeline now between episodes What's my Line Part 2 and Surprise. Spoiler for the show --->
SpoilerIt's mentioned that Xander and Cordelia are sneaking around making out, which starts in WML pt 2, however Spike, who at this point should be in a wheelchair because of the organ that fell on him, is up and walking around and in a decent chunk of the story
So little things like that took me out of the story but it's not a huge deal, I've seen a lot worse continuity errors in other BtVS books.

I felt the story was too long. It's under 200 pages but it felt dragged out. I wish the author had slimmed the story down about 50 pages.

I wish there had been more Angel but that's just because I love Angel and I adore Bangel. So if you hate Angel or don't like Bangel this probably won't bother you that much.

Overall this was an enjoyable BtVS novel and I look forward to reading more this year.