A review by gracereadsforlove
Rhapsodic by Laura Thalassa


I've come across this book several times before I decided to pick it up and give it a chance. The blurb was really promising too so I had high hopes.
At first, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I had the wrong impression about this book's setting. I thought since Callie was a siren she lived in the sea - some idiot I am for making assumptions.
For some reason though, I cannot connect with the two main characters. I tried so hard to like them but... I just couldn't feel anything. The only character that made me feel something was... what was her name... ahh, Temper! Everything felt so bland, especially having read this just shortly after Ilona Andrew's creations (Hidden Legacy is my favorite). There's not enough action and mystery going on. Even the mess about their relationship took to long, too drawn out, for me to appreciate. The flashbacks were nice but I didn't really feel like they added depth to Callie and Des' story. And then even though seven years supposed to have passed, teenage Callie and present Callie didn't sound different at all.
I may probably try rereading it someday in the future (when it's not overshadowed by the awesomeness that is Ilona Andrew's works) but for now this rates as a three-star book for me.