A review by shaunireads1
Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr by Clayborne Carson, Martin Luther King Jr.


This book is incredibly moving. It's not a true autobiography, but rather a compilation of MLK's writings and speeches. It begins with an introduction by the compiler/editor Clayborne Carson, followed by LeVar Burton reading the book. His readings are interspersed with actual recordings of MLK's speeches and segments of African-American spirituals. I can see why the audiobook won a Grammy for Best Spoken Word Album! LeVar Burton does an excellent job. About a year ago, I listened to Clayborne Carson's entire African American History course on iTunesU (he teaches at Stanford), so it was cool to hear his voice in this book's introduction.

Before listening to this book, I had read some of MLK's speeches and heard snippets of others, but it was so inspiring to hear his speeches in their entirety and in context. I was moved to tears a few times, and came away feeling very inspired. MLK has always been a hero of mine, but now I have a much deeper understanding of what he actually accomplished. I have a greater appreciation for the risks he and the other activists took in using civil disobedience to fight for the rights that should have been theirs all along. My only lament is that I didn't write down my favorite quotes as I heard them. I guess I'll just have to listen to it again!