A review by tvintrs
Pleasure by Gabriele D'Annunzio

Did not finish book. Stopped at 26%.
I really enjoyed many aspects of this book. I really enjoyed that the genre was very different to what I'd normally read, I enjoyed the characters and I really enjoyed the setting. I think the problem for me at current is partly the fact its translated from Italian so at times the translation feels clunky, but also that there's a huge amount of specifically Italian references which are great but take reading up on as you go, but also that it's 150 year old translated Italian so the text is long winded in the way a lot of writing from that period was. That doesn't make it bad in any means, I enjoyed it a lot, but it's not really suited for late night bedtime reading which is when I primarily try to get my reading done so I found it took me a lot longer to get through than other books. I would love to return to this book one day but for now it goes down as a DNF on my shelf.