A review by hybum
The Bully Book by Eric Kahn Gale


This is an important book. I've been meaning to read this for a while, ever since it was advertised on Team Starkid's YouTube channel; I just never got around to it. I'm glad I finally did.

I was never bullied as a kid. I hope no one ever saw me as a bully. I don't think they did, but that's kind of the problem with bullies: a lot of the time, they don't even necessarily know they're bullying. But right off the bat with this book, I was reminded of a fellow student in my own Grade 6 class. I remember one time, this student got excused to go to the bathroom, and while he was gone, my teacher (for whom I had great respect) took the opportunity to tell us all that we all needed to treat that student better. He was disappointed in us. At that point, I didn't even realize that the student was feeling left out. I was so clueless. My heart wrenches to think that I didn't do more to be his friend.

That's the kind of emotion that this book creates. It really was put together quite beautifully. Mr Gale tells the tale of a Grunt who gets picked on by the Bully Bookers, but fights back and leaves future generations with his own story. I've long since left grade school, but I hope this book finds it way into the hands of young Bullies and Grunts alike, so they can change the way they look at bullying.

I recommend this book to everyone, not just those who have been affected by bullying.