A review by maplessence
Animalia by Graeme Base


I found a copy for a friend's grandchild. This reminded me to have a look at my own copy & I have just had a lot of pleasure, not only looking at the beautiful pictures, but appreciating Base's rich use of language. I blush to say I didn't find all the little Graemes. A beautiful body of work that took Base three years to complete.

It can't be a spoiler to show one (ok two!) pictures.

Just gorgeous.

I used to own [bc:The Eleventh Hour|11903|The Eleventh Hour|Graeme Base|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1386920019s/11903.jpg|1247072] as well. While I didn't enjoy that book quite as much I'm sad that it appears to be missing. Hopefully a copy will turn up at my work.