A review by lenoreo
Bright Beyond, Episode 1 by Theresa Kay


4.5 stars -- YAY!! I didn't bawl!! I might have teared up a bit, but at least my world is not ending.

What a great followup to the prequel.... Eva still kills me....she's such a tough little thing, and she tries so hard to keep it all together regardless of all the craziness of the situation she finds herself in. Until I started reading Theresa Kay, and in particular this series, I don't think I realized how much I was craving this kind of story. I'm a geek girl. I enjoy my occasional sci-fi shows. But I don't tend to read them.... For some reason I just haven't had anything pointed out to me that's peaked my interest in the genre. But Eva is such a great character to take you through this journey. It was like all my Stargate/Battlestar Galactica/Firefly fandomness sprang up and said "THIS! THIS IS WHAT YOU'VE BEEN MISSING FROM YOUR LITERARY WORLD!" B/C it's peppered with this delicious world in space, but at its core still remains about this badass sassy girl....with a sprinkling of awesome secondary characters thrown into the mix.

I LOVED Kyle and Liz in this one....seriously, they just added the perfect mix of youthful optimism and hilarity to take away from the seriousness of the situation we find Eva in. And Alex....oh hell, after that ending I don't even know what to think there. And Stasia!! She was seriously an unexpected delight. Just when I thought she was going to be stereotypical, I got a nice surprise.

OK, yes, I know that was all seriously vague, but there's nothing I can do about that. Just trust me -- if you enjoyed Dark Expanse, you won't be disappointed in the start of this new serial.... I can't *wait* to see where this is going to go.