A review by amysofta
Born of Betrayal by Sherrilyn Kenyon


Okay this book was a much easier read and I have to say I do get why Talyn’s book had to go first. I still wish she would have given us a little note about the time jump though. If you were like me and struggled with the last books, and perhaps even felt like it was left unfinished, then you are not going to want to skip this book. Like I had mused in my last review of the last book Talyn’s H.E.A does lie within the pages of Fain’s. Being that I dived right into this story after finishing Born of Defiance (not waiting over a year between books…) I was able to pick up the plot in this story faster than the last. It also helped that we were back on the timeline where I thought we were back at the beginning of book 9.

Okay lets move on before I make myself confused. This book was much easier to follow and so many of the other characters we have grown to love were back in the action. In the last book I had trouble placing Fain, but pretty quickly, through his interactions with supporting characters I was able to place who he was, this is one of the characters I’ve been wanting to get a H.E.A. Yay! The book starts of with some great action and I loved the chemistry between Fain and Galene, especially that reunion. That is definitely going to go down as one of my favorite cute-meets

Of course we have the agonizing history of just how crappy life has been to Fain, Galene, Talyn and every other character we come across. I swear half the time I feel as all of these characters are in competition to see who has had the most crap dumped on them over their life. The answer is all of them. All of them have had crummy lives and deserve their own H.E.A, but I wish Kenyon would just give us a character that actually had a normal, well-adjusted life. Of course our heart might not bleed for them, but then I wouldn’t also get so worked up over the injustice of it all…

Anyway. I did love the resolution to these two companion books. Fain and Talyn both ended up with the H.E.A and justice they deserved. The war in this universe appears to be just heating up and the next few books look to be nail-bitters. The very next book should be interesting as it will be another instance where Kenyon redeems a previous “bad” guy and reminds us that things aren’t always what they seem.

This was a great book though, and I highly recommend reading book 9 & 10 back to back, it will leave you with a much more satisfying story.