A review by brokenrecord
Deceptions by Kelley Armstrong


I'M JUST SO INTO THIS SERIES, like, I know that it has its flaws and the actual plot is... I'm not really sure how I feel about it. BUT GABRIEL AND OLIVIA!!!!!!!!! Gabriel killed me in this book,
Spoiler how he's basically admitted to himself that he's into Olivia but would never, ever tell her. He's just so bad at dealing with his emotions and expressing them and I LOVE it. AND OLIVIA REALIZING SHE HAS FEELINGS FOR HIM TOO!!!!!

I know everyone's into the prospect of the potential for Gabriel/Olivia/Ricky in canon, but I'm kind of torn because like, it would be cool since that NEVER happens in romances! But on the other hand... Ricky and Olivia's relationship just doesn't do anything for me. I having nothing against them, I really like Ricky, and if the series ended with them together (or with the three of them together), I wouldn't be upset, but... I just ship Gabriel/Olivia so hard that I can't help but root for them above anything else.

Anyways, I really don't want to have to wait for the next book.