A review by savvylit
Everything I Know About Love: A Memoir by Dolly Alderton

reflective medium-paced


There were several portions of EIKAL that were written in list form. In that spirit, this review will be a list too.

The good:
+ The female friendships! The most entertaining, heartwarming, and insightful portions of the memoir were about Dolly's friendships.
+ The "everything I knew about love at age ____" sections. Genuinely funny and relatable. I loved seeing how her views on dating and life changed from her teens to age 30.

The bad:
+ The humor, which trended towards clichés.The strongest parts of this book were when Alderton wasn't trying so hard to be funny.
+ The recipes. I know food is an important part of Dolly's life but the inclusion of an occasional recipe felt unnecessary and uninspired.
+ The fake party invitation emails. Again, clichéd humor that felt a little forced.
+ The length. This memoir was simply too long.

After feeling very underwhelmed by both this memoir and Samantha Irby's Meaty, I think I have officially decided / realized that confessional blog-style memoirs are not for me!

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