A review by beckiebookworm1974
Last Hit by Jessica Clare, Jen Frederick


Some books just touch your heart in a special way burrowing under your skin and staying put for the long haul this is the case with this one. A reread that I devoured and loved just as completely this second time around. I adored this story so much all the authentic emotion and love that blossomed between Nikolai and Daisy just got me.

The relationship forged is not an angsty one in fact it’s incredibly sweet and heartfelt. Neither has much experience when it comes to the opposite sex. Daisy because she has been totally sheltered her whole life hidden away by her recluse father and Nikolai is all of her firsts. Nikolai because of his profession as an independent hitman with deep connections to the Bratva. I mean he has all the physical experience from paid whores but emotionally and when it comes down to actual dating and romance he’s as clueless as Daisy is and this made their initial interactions together so unintentionally cute.

I adored everything about Nikolai all of his ineptness and putting his foot in it just made him seem that much more authentic. I loved his accent his bluntness how he takes things so literally but most of all his perseverance and intentions to do right by Daisy even when he constantly gets things wrong.

He’s a total protective alpha, borderline stalker and completely obsessed whilst at the same time convinced he’s not good enough for her. Daisy is just finding her wings; since her mother's death her father had kept her practically a prisoner controlling every aspect of her life due to his fear. Now finally free she’s out to experience everything she feels she’s missed out on. She’s a lot naive and very sheltered but also accepting and tolerant she wants so much more but still feels great guilt for abandoning her father.

The chemistry between Nikolai and Daisy was immense so deep and explosive and filled with passion he would also literally walk through fire to keep Daisy safe from harm and when Nikolai’s past puts Daisy in severe danger he’s prepared to do whatever he must to save her.

This was so well written and such an easy read there’s also some heartbreaking stuff that involves Daisy’s roommate the poor girl definitely got the raw end of the stick that’s for sure. This does then lead us into the next book which is Daniel and the roommates Regan’s story and I’m totally going to be reading it. I can definitely recommend this it really is a breath of fresh air and up there with my all-time favourite reads.

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Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm