A review by amymarsdenauthor
The Love Factor by Quinn Ivins


I was hesitant to read this because of the whole professor/student thing, but when I saw Molly was a thirty year old grad student who was more like a colleague, I thought I'd give it a go.

This was a strange one for me. It almost didn't feel like a romance? It was extremely slow burn—nothing really happened until the last quarter of the book, and the rest was filled with American politics. As I'm not American I didn't really care about any of that.

Molly had an infatuation with Carmen pretty early on but I didn't see any reciprocity from Carmen. Neither character commented on the other in a particularly romantic/interested way until the latter parts of the book, when it seemed to come out of nowhere with a lot of telling instead of showing.

I liked that it was set in the late 90's, and I thought it dealt with that time period well. Carmen's fear of coming out felt real, and I was rooting for her the whole book. I also loved the little side plot with the kittens. So cute!

But yeah, this didn't really make that much of an impression. Still though, I look forward to the authors other works!