A review by mehsi
Dog's First Baby by Natalie Nelson


I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

I just saw this very adorable looking book over at Netgalley and how could I resist? And also I so need the other book: Cat’s First Baby!

In this adorable and fun book we meet Dog. Dog is going to meet a new family member, namely the baby! But what is a baby? What does a baby do? We see dog try to figure out what the baby is. It has no tail, it doesn’t smell like a dog, the front paws (aka the cute little chubby arms and hands) are not the same. It was all very adorable to see dog make sense of the new situation and then also finding that while the new creature is not a dog… it can be a friend! A friend to howl with, a friend to admire given how much they eat (which had me laughing, such a dog thing to admire that), a friend to play with (all sorts of fun games), a friend to walk with. It was just the cutest to see these two bond and I think that there is a lifelong bond in store for them. With plenty of fun and happy times. I loved how sweet the dog was and also loved that the mom was there to keep an eye out on these two, to make sure that they are both not doing something not so good (like when the baby tried to climb the dog to play horsey).

The art was really fun and made the book even more adorable! Though, sorry, I had a bit of a laugh at the very round head of the baby which looked like someone just plopped a ball on a body and added some facial features.

All in all, I would recommend this book to all. Be warned, lots of cuteness!

Review first posted at https://twirlingbookprincess.com/