A review by umcrystal
Love in the Aisles by Heather Van Fleet, Jessica Calla

⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5 Stars)


Charlotte has not had an easy life... her parents were absent, her beloved husband passed away too young, and now she’s just made a fool of herself in front of the new and very cute employee at the grocery store. First, hiding in the liquor aisle when alcohol sales aren’t even open for the day, then rushing out of the shop so quickly that you knock over a DVD rack, then your son pees right on the floor. Definitely not the best day.... or maybe not such a bad day after all. Ian, the new man in town, has definitely taken a liking to Charlotte, despite all of her quirks, and this easy-reading romantic comedy shows just how many quirks Charlotte Dawson really has. Plus, he’s secretly a movie star!

Love in the Aisles is set in small-town Georgia, and as someone who grew up in one of these small towns, I could definitely relate. Everyone is always in your business and nothing is ever a secret for too long. The town characters felt very real to life. Where it fell a little flat for me was the main characters. Charlotte, who has done so much in her life to ensure she’s providing for herself, her sister, and her son, seems to fall apart when approached by anyone in town and turns into nothing but a blushing mess in front of Ian. And I know that Ian is supposed to come across as charming, but he felt a little creepy to me. He was way too familiar with pet names, meeting the family, showing up at her home, it all happened very fast. However, overall the story was cute, the writing was great, and I think most people who love rom-coms will really enjoy Love in the Aisles.

Publishing Information:

Thank you to NetGalley and Heather Van Fleet for providing me with an e-arc of this book in exchange for an honest review. Love in the Aisles will be published on October 13, 2020.