A review by bargainsleuth
Churchill: Walking with Destiny by Andrew Roberts


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Holy cats, I finished it! I do believe, at 982 pages, that this is the longest book I've undertaken except for textbooks.

I can't imagine being the author and sifting through the staggering amount of material Churchill left behind, because he always knew he'd take a part in British history so he saved all his correspondence. Lets not forget the 37 books and all the articles submitted to newspapers, plus his speeches. So pulling off a book of this magnitude without getting bogged down is a major undertaking.

For the most part Roberts succeeds. I did feel the book got a bit bogged down during Churchill's Wilderness Years which is why I couldn't give it 5 stars. I knew more about Churchill than most people before picking up this book, but I found myself amazed at just how many things Churchill accomplished in his lifetime. He should be considered the greatest person of the 20th century.

Give yourself a month to read this tome. I did it in 9 days because it was due back at the library, but I felt I could have enjoyed it even more had I not felt rushed.