A review by ecbennettlibrarylover
A Killer First Date by Alyxandra Harvey


So, when I finished the last book of The Drake Chronicles, there was only one thing left to do; read the e-novellas, and this was the last of the e-novellas for me to read. I sad that this was the last time I'd get to read a book from the series for the first time. I have been reading them since 2010, so I have become quite attached to the characters, and I believe that this is a fitting good-bye to The characters I have come to love so much. I'll miss them and they'll always hold a special place in my heart so this book marks good-bye, I guess. Someone reading this is probably thinking, "Honey, they're fictional characters, are you really having a chick-lit moment over them?" Well, yes, I am, because this has been one of my all time favorite book series, and I have grown very attached. In, fact I am growing very nostalgic right now.