A review by winsomebulldog
Icefire by Judith Reeves-Stevens, Garfield Reeves-Stevens


This is one of my favorite reads. I picked it up years ago, possibly from a bookshop in the airport before boarding a plane. I can't remember for sure. All I know is that I loved it. It felt so immensely real to me, so entirely possible even back then. I have re-read it a couple of times through the years and am contemplating going through it again. The action takes off from the very start and never slows down. I loved it so much that I convinced my husband to read it, too. We've both read the sequel as well, though I, admittedly, didn't favor it quite as much.

With the CGI abilities available to the movie industry these days, I think this book could be made into a spectacular movie. I don't expect it to happen, of course, because the money involved would be significant. And one part of me is glad in a way, considering how rare it is for Hollywood to do justice to any book turned film.

I wish this writing pair would produce more books outside the Star Trek universe.