A review by shane
Marauders of Gor by John Norman


40% in and I just can't do it any more. There's simply too much slave-girl description and not nearly enough story. Having got to book number 9 in this ongoing series I almost feel like I'm letting myself down by not ploughing on through these slave sections, but then I remind myself that they do tend to be taking up more and more of the novels, and so I'm learning to forgive myself.

I'll almost certainly read the odd one here and there, if only to reassure myself that I've made the right decision. Its such a shame too, since there were one of two moments that had me thinking how good this one was turning out to be, only have that illusion shattered. There are apparently some excellent battle scenes a little later in the story, which is a pity since I'm just unable to force myself on any more, and am probably missing out.

Oh well. No-one can say I didn't give this series a good go. I've enjoyed a lot of it. Maybe I just need to put a little space between us for a while.

Goodbye Gor! I shall remember you fondly...

EDIT: After a short break I'm back to give it another go. Fingers crossed I'll finish it this time.

...watch this space!

ok, just finished this and enjoyed the last part of the story. As it turns out there was remarkably little sex-slavery type stuff from here on out(for a gor novel I mean). The battle wasn't bad, although I've read better written battle scenes, and I liked the way it hinted toward greater adventures up there and out there as it were, what with Tarl Cabot looking up at the sky and stars etc at the end.

All things considered, I'm glad I came back and finished it.