A review by sdertinger
Foreverland by Nicole C. Kear


Margaret's life has been flipped upside down. Her best friend is becoming so distant. Her family is falling apart. She doesn't know how to handle this situation, other than running away.

She does just that. The place she runs away to? Foreverland Amusement Park. Where anyone and everyone can have a magical day. She packed enough money and things she needs in her backpack to allow her to stay for awhile, if needed. As she gets the courage to head into her favorite amusement park, she is overwhelmed as time passes on how exactly she is going to find a place to hide? As she thinks this she keeps seeing the same boy over and over throughout the park. It's like he knows her but she has NO idea who he is. Finally, she meets him, Jamie, face-to-face after a lovely hotdog choking incident and he is a runaway too. He teaches Margaret about the ins and outs of the amusement park, where the security will be at certain times of the day, and how to survive in this magical amusement park.

She overcomes many fears like sleeping in a Haunted House and running away from some "bad guys". As she realizes that running away from home wasn't the best idea, she gets homesick. But Jamie is mysterious and she needs to know more about him. They both have secrets that they need to unfold. When will Margaret go home? Will they ever be a family again?

What is different about this runaway book is that the main setting was of the runaway destination. In this case, an amusement park (which is quite funny to me). As she is having a great time adventuring through her favorite place to be, she meets another runaway boy. It was intriguing to learn more about this mysterious kid. I ended up having a real soft spot for him and I just wanted to learn more just like Margaret did. The ending where he wrote the acrostic poem for Margaret was really touching for me. I think this book will be great for students to connect with - escaping life's problems and family issues. I also enjoyed the acrostic poems that were embedded throughout the story!