A review by jontia
Star Trek: Myriad Universes: Infinity's Prism by Christopher L. Bennett, James Swallow, William Leisner


Lets face it, if you're looking for a great novel to stimulate your mind and expand your horizons you're in the wrong place. As with all tv and movie tie-ins the Star Trek books are light hearted distractions not the heights of modern literature.

Infinity's Prism offers three "What If's" set in the Star Trek Universe. Three very different types of what if too.
A LESS PERFECT UNION, breaks from the Trek narative in Archer's time, but is set in Kirk's. Many recognisable characters from TOS are found here illustrating how culture strongly affects individuals.
PLACES OF EXILE, is a Voyager story. The plot follows directly on from the break point during the Species 8472/Borg conflict. This offering gives us the standard characters that change only with the ongoing plot, showing how big a difference a single change can make.
SEEDS OF DISSENT is set in the DS9 time frame, the break point being Khan Noonien Singh winning the Eugenics war on Earth. The characters here are mostly name touch points, the human counterparts being unregonisable in terms of personality or indeed physical appearance.

I enjoyed all the stories, they're interesting looks into other types of future, the first and last could have been non-Star Trek stories, but they would have needed longer to set them up. Playing on the differences makes it quick and easy to understand the new timeline. None of them have any link to the "real" Trek universe and they don't link to each other.