A review by loganashleyauthor
The Silent Stars Go By by Dan Abnett


This book came to me from a very reliable source - my boyfriend. It happens to be one of his all time favorite books and I was so surprised when he bought me a copy for Christmas! He's been begging me to read it on a daily basis, so I finally cracked it open and finished it within a day and a half.

This book was a typical adventure alongside the Doctor and the Ponds. It was exactly like an episode, but allowed for so much more detail to be included.

If you've never seen Doctor Who, it's a very Sci-Fi themed show with a lot of time travel, aliens, future/past characters, interpretations of famous people from the past, and overall just wonderful goodness.

This book included so many of the amazing pieces of the Doctor Who puzzle that just makes fans of the show smile, it was absolutely worth the read.