A review by sandywilliams03
The Naked Truth About Self-Publishing by Jane Graves, Liliana Hart, Jana DeLeon, Denise Grover Swank, Tina Folsom, Dorien Kelly, Theresa Ragan, Colleen Gleason, Jasinda Wilder, Deborah Holland


This is a must-read for authors, both traditionally published, self published, and not-yet published (always helps to be informed!).

UPDATE: It's been about five days since I read this, and I can't get it off my mind. I keep thinking of ways to apply what I learned (#1 WRITE MORE BOOKS!). The chapters on marketing and what to do with your book once you've written it (load it to all vendors, fill out Amazon profiles at ALL Amazon's, etc) are so, so helpful. I've learned more about publishing and connecting with readers from this book (and from speaking to self-published authors and being on email loops, etc) in the last few months than I have since I signed my first book deal with NY three years ago.

The other thing I loved about this book? The stories in the last chapter about each of the author's journeys. (Liliana Hart's made me cry happy tears!)

Read this book! Then make your husband or wife read it, too, so they understand why being on Facebook and Twitter is part of your job! :-)