A review by lacunaboo
Silver on the Road by Laura Anne Gilman


This book introduced some interesting possibilities, but did not bring the whole package together.

Fantasy elements in an Old West setting was pretty neat, I did enjoy the setting. Our main characters Isobel and Gabriel were pretty likable, although development didn't get especially deep with either of them.

My biggest problem is probably the fact that the rules of this world are not sufficiently explained, the way the magic works and such, and so we have no idea what to expect, or not. We are therefore completely unable to be at all surprised or delighted with how things go, because the book continually introduces a brand new concept, explains it, deals with it, and then we never see it again. Similarly, any time they encounter a challenge, Isobel without fail will just suddenly know how to deal with it, without knowing how she knows. How are we supposed to experience any dramatic tension this way?

Working for the devil had potential, except it's not clear why he's the devil, since the only trait he shares with the way that character is commonly perceived is he fact that he strikes deals with people. In fact, late in the book it is implied that he may not actually be THE devil, but is called that only because he makes deals. But he's clearly not human. Regardless of what he is or is not, it would have been nice to have dug a little deeper with the relationship between him and Isobel. Does he see her as a daughter?

The story elements had potential here, but I felt those were squandered In the telling, and so don't have any great interest in continuing the series.