A review by kim1kim2
The Throne of Fire by Rick Riordan


idn't love this book as much as The Red Pyramid. Don't get me wrong, I had a great time and still loved it. Just not as much.

I felt that we get a lot of Sadie in this book, or maybe her part stood out to me more. I really enjoyed her scenes with Walt, they had some cute interactions. I'm really curious if we will get more of them or if we will get more Anubis in the next book. Sadie seems to grow into her magic and as a character. She is a really fun character to follow. Now Charter, I really love him as a charter, he is great. But his journey in this book wasn't as interesting as Sadies. I still enjoyed it and wasn't bored, but I wanted a bit more from him. I can't wait to see more of him with Zia though, and how he will grow more into his role in this whole saving the world thing.

I liked the new characters, they all seemed interesting. I really enjoyed the new gods, but I missed Bast in this book. Also, the huge thing I missed was some Sadie and Carter action. I was really into the stroy when they were together. I just love their sibling bond, their teasing, bickering and just understanding of each other. I do feel a bit bad for the Kane siblings in the end, they are working so hard and sacrifice so much and it seems not to work out like they want it to.

Anyway, I'm excited to see how this story will all wrap up and I can't wait for their crazy adventures!

Rating: 4,5 stars.