A review by bingley
Soulless by Gail Carriger



A meandering, amusing adventure, but reading enjoyability is occasionally hindered by excess verbosity, like what-in-the-downtown-abbey.
Girl, just say what you sayin'! XD (tho I do get, its part of the world the Author built, so I don't fault it.)

TLDR: Entertainingly tedious. It's best when Alexia and Lord Maccon are thrown together!

Off-kilter, amusing humor. Like dry british wit.
Exhibit A: "Good evening, Mr. MacDougall, she said. Even when one was horizontally prone, there was no call for rudeness."
Lol, it does make me snicker!

The plot takes a while to reveal itself: at first it seems like a slice-of-life, given the story's trotting pace. Then it seems like it's a series of adventures that Alexia happens upon, like a video game.
Then at the end, we finally get the antagonist reveal and confrontation climax.

I rmbr attempting this series years ago, starting from the 2nd book, and DNF-ing bc I wasn't captivated. This 1st one is more entertaining, but I wouldn't say I'm sufficiently captured enough to restart the 2nd book. It's too..... the vibes are like... restrained/proper whimsy. Which can be amusing, but sometimes I'm like, the narration needs to get back on the tracks!

POV: third, person, dual
SPICE: not exactly, mostly repressed, titillating british attraction LOL. And some kissing and makeout scenes that might scandalize a proper british chaperone.