A review by shutupnread
Riding the Universe by Gaby Triana


I quite enjoyed Riding the Universe. My first book by Gaby Triana and I'm liking her work so far.

However, the only thing I have against Riding the Universe was the characters. I have so many mixed feelings of Chloe, Rock and Gordon. One minute, I'll love them. Even admire them. The next minute, I'm so confused by their actions. Chloe kept changing her focus and ultimately, it made me pretty confused. Same with Rock and Gordon. I thought I had them predicted but they kept surprising me as I kept turning the pages. I felt like I was going on this roller coaster with bumps and twists everywhere imaginable. Despite their ability to change every few minutes, it was a joy to read about Chloe and Rock. They were absolutely hilarious and their friendship runs deep.

The plot though were amazing. Even though it was pretty simplistic, I loved how the plot developed and I found it quite engaging. I loved seeing how Chloe finally managed to find out who the one she really loved was and who her birth parents were. That totally surprised me. I didn't see it coming. I was expecting someone else or something but...in a way, I'm not that surprised but in another way, I am.

Gaby's writing style is quite unique. It didn't grab the readers at first glance but when you get deeper, you find yourself absorbed into her world.

Overall, Riding the Universe is a fun and quick read.