A review by fischers_reads
My Fault by Mercedes Ron



I can see this book being my new guilty pleasure! I've had this book on my kindle for awhile but for some reason I was scared to pick it up. I wasn't sure if I was going to enjoy it as much as I hoped I would. Clearly, I freaking LOVED it! Noah's mother reminds me so much of mine. Just like her mom, my mom gets into relationships and gets married before I even get to meet the man who quickly becomes my stepdad. Noah then has to move to the U.S (She's from Canada) and move in with not only her new stepdad but her new stepbrother, too. Noah struggles with men so this was a big deal to her. Noah's childhood was rough and it left her with a lot of trauma. Seeing that all play out and the suspense route this book took was something I wasn't expecting. If you have triggers be sure to look up the trigger warnings. Noah and her new stepbrother Nicholas don't exactly click in the beginning. He's 5 years older than she is and he is kind of a dick to her. Now if you know me you know I love an asshole MMC not to mention he races and fights, why don't you just steal my heart Nicholas Leister. In the beginning Noah was annoying. She was very bratty in a very immature way and it got on my nerves. My guess is the more I read the more I just got used to her. When I tell you this man fell for her, He fell HARD for her. Nicholas is the type of guy who doesn't date. Girls are just for sex and that's that. That is until Noah comes in and completely turns his world upside down. There is quite a bit of push and pull which I'm normally not a huge fan of but I was so engrossed into this story that it didn't matter. I listened to it and I really enjoyed the audiobook. I binged it in one sitting. I loved every single thing about this book and I can see myself doing a re-read in the near future. If you've been thinking about reading it, I say give it a shot. I LOVED "Bully" by Penelope Douglas and this book gave me those vibes with a little bit of "After" by Anna Todd. There are 2 more books in this world but honestly I don't think they are necessary. I'm going to stop right here because it was perfect!


The sexual tension was real in this book! From the moment Noah and Nicholas laid eyes on each other you knew they wanted each other. Shit we might have known before they even did. The way this book is written has you feeling like you're part of the story. Noah's childhood wasn't good and her dad was a very bad man. He would beat her mother and then eventually he started to hurt her until Noah turned him in and he was taken to prison. Just like my mom, Noah's mom can't be alone for long. So I really could relate to Noah when it came to that. On a trip Noah's mom gets married, which means when she gets back Noah and her mom move in with her new husband and his stepson. Noah has so much trauma and triggers that just break your heart. Nicholas tries to keep his distance from her but he quickly starts caring about her and starts looking out for her. I really loved that they had the same tattoo as each other. Noah is super bratty and got into so much trouble that Nicholas ended up having to deal with but the funny thing is he really didn't care. Once he fell for her it was end game. Nicholas is sooooo jealous and I LOVE a jealous MMC. Noah had a boyfriend when she moved but ended up getting a photo of him and her best friend kissing. Tell me why this guy has the audacity to take a trip to see her when her mother asked him if he wanted to. Clearly her mom had no idea what was going on but this fool still came. It didn't end well and they ended up sending his ass packing. Noah's dad was a NASCAR driver so she had that experience and ended up racing a not so good guy and beat him which didn't end well. So throughout the book this guy is wanting to get his "revenge" on her. At the end of the book her father got out on parole and had the guy kidnap Noah for him so he can get money from her new stepdad. That's the suspense part I was talking about. At first I thought it was going to end in a cliffhanger but it doesn't. This obviously isn't everything that happens in the book but I wanted to be able to look back at my review in the future and remember these parts.