A review by eesh25
Champion by Marie Lu


Champion is the final book in the Legend trilogy.

At the end of Prodigy, the Republic finally seemed at a good place because it had a good ruler for once. But Day found out that he was sick and dying. He didn’t tell June because he didn’t want to hurt her and broke up with her.

Now, it’s found out that a new plague has hit the colonies and they’re blaming the Republic. They threaten war and June and Day with have to work together once again to ensure the safety of the Republic.

The book starts off almost a year after the end of the last one and things are still strained in the Republic. Anden is trying his best but progress can only be so fast. And with the new shit that’s going down, he’s in trouble.

This was a very good end to the series. The world of Legend expanded even more and we even got to go to Antarctica. It was very cool. The pace of the book was fast and I loved the story.

There was a lot of focus on Day and June’s relationship and how they were still recovering from events of the past. I was afraid that Day illness might not get enough attention but it did and I’m happy about that.

Eden’s presence in the book was very welcome and I loved seeing him and his relationship with Day.

The writing was good but I would still advise Marie Lu to tone down on the commas. Run-on, descriptive sentences can become tedious.

The ending was bittersweet for me. While I understood the direction that the author took and like it even, I couldn’t help but be sad about it as well. I definitely didn’t see it coming. I wish there was some “After Champion” short story.

Overall, this was a really good book and part of a great series. I’m very glad I read and I recommend you check it out as well.