A review by raviel
The Long Game by Jennifer Lynn Barnes



“I mean it, Tessie. If it came down to the rest of the world or you, I would pick you every single time.”

Just. Wow. Amazing. Wow. I was literally left speechless after finishing this. I don't know why I didn't pick it up earlier. I actually went into it with the intention of reading only to finish off the series, and I came out more in love than I'd thought possible.

The focus on politics was a lot more intense than in the first book. Plenty of plot twists to keep you alert, and a lot more thrilling and absolutely terrifying events to stop your heart. You know that Big Thing™ that happened at Hardwicke? I was so petrified, holy hell, this book was awesome!!
SpoilerI totally called that twist with Henry though, he was very suspicious... case in point:

“I don’t suppose Ivy volunteered any additional information,” Henry said, his face moonlit through the dash. “About this Senza Nome.”

I KNEW IT. This scene sold it to me, I knew he'd be involved somehow. All those questions were more like an interrogation than mere curiosity.

There was definitely more romance in this book compared to the last, but idk I was indifferent to the whole thing, it didn't annoy me, but I also didn't care about it.
SpoilerBut I could not have been the only one who noticed those vibes between Tess and Emilia? There was literally so much more chemistry between them than there was between Tess and Henry lmfao. I so desperately want a third book, just to see where this heads off to.

And oh! From the first book:

“If I asked you what was going on, would you tell me?”
I glanced back at her.
“That’s what I thought,” she said, averting her eyes. “Don’t worry about it. Asher’s the one people confide in, too.”


“So you’re Ivy Kendrick’s sister,” she said finally. “I thought you’d be taller.”
“I’ll get right to work on that.”
Emilia cracked a very small smile.

Seriously I want more of these two, they're perfect!!!!

“Hypothetically speaking,” Asher said, coming up next to me in the cafeteria, “if one were planning to execute an act of derring-do to draw any and all disapproving murmurs away from one’s twin, would it be better if said act involved a handmade hang glider or—”

Emilia!! I really liked her, she was so great in this book. And I loved seeing how much Asher and Emilia loved each other. And Vivvie!! Precious as always. Friendship goals and family feels were at an all-time high here, I feel so drained.

SO many revelations too, I enjoyed being kept on my toes with all those secrets.
SpoilerTotally had my doubts about the president, but like Tess has learned, the queen is the most important piece on the board.
I really, really hope we get a third book, this wrapped up nicely while still leaving plenty of room for more, and I DO want more!

SpoilerIdk if I missed this, but was it mentioned who exactly was Daniela's father? They just said she was the heir, and daughter of the leader, but no mention of any names?? I really need that third book, ughh

Honestly though, I'm so impressed by how Jennifer Lynn Barnes decided to end this. It's so rare to read the last book in a series and be satisfied, have plot-lines wrapped up nicely with a pretty bow, leaving no room for holes.

Just in general – have a deserving ending. And this is how you do it. I want other authors to take note.
THIS is how you finish up a series with a satisfying end, and STILL manage to leave plenty of room to continue.