A review by abumblebeee
The Savior's Champion by Jenna Moreci



Tobias Kaya wants nothing to do with the Savior or the Sovereign's Tournament, a tournament where 20 men enter a 30 day fight to the death in order to win the Savior's hand in marriage. He abhors the competition and doesn't understand why anyone would fight so hard to marry a woman they don't even know, that is until he realizes it might be the only way to save his family.

This book will keep you on the edge of your seat the entire time trying to figure out what will happen next. I had to cover the bottom of the page while reading this so that my eyes wouldn't flit down and spoil something for me. The plot is well thought out and definitely does not slow down throughout the entire book.

The characters of this book are well fleshed out and really drive the story. The author writes the characters and their feelings so well that throughout the entire book you are feel everything the character feels. Following Tobias through this wretched tournament you really get a clear grasp of every emotion that washes over him along with the other predominant characters in this book.

One thing I do wish I had done while reading this book would have been writing a list of all of the characters names and their laurelites. It jumps around between their actual names and their names in the tournament quite a bit which made it a little hard to follow at times. This book does have a lot of cussing and is quite crude, which did not bother me, but I know that is not what some people look for in a book. This book was absolutely fantastic and I cannot wait for the next one to come out!