A review by e_bibliophile
The Complete Gillian Flynn: Gone Girl, Dark Places, Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn


Read the book first:
I remember adding [b:Gone Girl|8442457|Gone Girl|Gillian Flynn|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1339602131s/8442457.jpg|13306276] a few days after joining Goodreads, which was almost a couple of years ago. All I knew about it then was being the hit of 2012. I wanted to know what the fuss was all about. As usual, I procrastinated in the process. I didn't pick it up until the movie adaptation was released recently and it was a hit too. So I basically (and finally) decided to read the book first before watching the movie (wise enough).

★★★★☆ = I really liked it:
It's definitely a page-turner. The narrative style is so attractive and interesting. You get to know the story from two perspectives (Nick's and Amy's). It makes you suspect everyone. The main theme at the beginning is highlighting married-life under the influence of the economic crisis. Loved how the author criticized current social situations. My empathy was shifting between Amy and Nick. I believe that the two halves of the book are of similar importance. It's a very well calculated equation of cause and effect. The plot rhythm is carefully designed and everything makes sense with each new discovery. There are several shock factors that would make your jaw drop.

Gillian Flynn:
I can overlook the overdose of vulgarity in contemporary novels if there was actually a great story being told which is the case with this book. I really admire [a:Gillian Flynn|2383|Gillian Flynn|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1232123231p2/2383.jpg]'s talent and looking forward to read her other books.

The last hiccup:
I didn't like the ending though because..
Amy (that sociopath effing bitch, totally unworthy of my previous empathy) got away with all her effed-up deeds. And Nick (who turned[bc:Dark Places|8427679|Dark Places|Gillian Flynn|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1387196045s/8427679.jpg|6873353] out to be a cheating scumbag, totally unworthy of my previous empathy) is stuck with her for good. I'm not sure if those two deserve each other, but I just don't like it when the bad guy (in this case it's Amy) gets away with his/her bullshit. So Nick is punished and Amy laughs at the end. How convenient!


[a:Gillian Flynn|2383|Gillian Flynn|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1232123231p2/2383.jpg]'s novels:
[bc:Sharp Objects|1343439|Sharp Objects|Gillian Flynn|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1420053889s/1343439.jpg|3801] [bc:Dark Places|8427679|Dark Places|Gillian Flynn|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1387196045s/8427679.jpg|6873353] [bc:Gone Girl|15704174|Gone Girl|Gillian Flynn|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1420576946s/15704174.jpg|13306276]