A review by emdoux
Half Brother by Kenneth Oppel


5th grade book talk
What would you do if your parents suddenly brought home a baby and you’d had no idea beforehand? Would you be upset? Happy? Excited?

Ben Tomlin was an only child for thirteen years – and he thought he would stay that way. But then his mother brings home a new baby – only eight days old. No, Ben didn’t miss out on his mother being pregnant, and his parents didn’t adopt a baby without telling him. Well, they kind of did. Because the baby, Zan, is a chimpanzee.

Ben’s father is a famous behavioral scientist, and Zan is his latest experiment. His father wants to learn whether or not chimpanzees can learn language. But more than just learning language – he wants to learn if a chimpanzee can learn language enough to communicate the same way – and with the same skill – as a human. Ben is told to treat Zan like he would a human brother – and he reluctantly agrees.

But Zan starts to grow on Ben – and soon the two are inseperable – and Ben really does think of the chimpanzee as his human brother. His father, on the other hand, believes Zan’s only purpose is for his experiment - and Ben is soon faced with a difficult situation as his father treats Zan with more and more scientific callousness. But how can Ben prove to his father that Zan is more than just an animal – that he’s come to be human, in his own way? Can Ben both save Zan and please his father? Half Brother isn’t just a story about a boy living with a chimpanzee: it’s a story about families – how they are made, how they fit together – and it asks difficult questions. What does it mean to be human? What does it mean to be animal? Can someone be both? Can their identity change from one to the other? Perhaps Zan knows the answer…