A review by branch_c
Carter Beats the Devil by Glen David Gold


I hope it's not a spoiler to say that I was impressed with the way everything came together at the end. Lots of writers attempt it, and not all succeed, so I want to give credit where it's due - the finale really works.

With disparate elements including the mystery surrounding the death of President Harding, the simmering rivalry between competing magicians, the invention of television, and of course the obligatory romantic storyline, you couldn't ask for a more satisfying climactic scene.

Having said that, however, it's a fairly long book, and the extensive setups for this glorious finale did get somewhat tedious. The plot and writing style reminded me a bit of Chabon's The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, but not quite as compelling. There were also a couple of unexpected POV shifts, which seemed out of place in this otherwise polished effort.

So, a mixed review on this one - interesting in some places, dull in others, but there's definitely a payoff if you stick with it.