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A review by jonireads
Rosebush by Michele Jaffe


Can I just say that I have been waiting to read this book for forever, it seems. Honestly, I featured it in a Waiting on Wednesday post last year in, like, September. And then I requested it from the library and waited another month for it to finally come in from interlibrary loan. I even read it slow so I could savor the moments of finally having the book in my hands. And let me tell you, it did not disappoint.

Jane is at the top of the food chain in her high school along with her two best friend, Langley and Kate. So it's a mystery as to who would want her dead. But there she is, lying in a hospital bed after a hit and run accident left her for dead in a rosebush. Though the police say otherwise, Jane is sure she was target of a brutal attempt on her life and she is sure that the killer won't stop until they get what they want- Jane dead.

This story was the perfect thriller. My mind was constantly working, trying to figure out who it might have been that tried to kill Jane. And it's a perfect mystery because no matter how many clues were given, I never would have guessed the ending. A fantastic novel and I can't wait to read what else this author has in store.