A review by reading_under_covers
The Chateau by Jaclyn Goldis


Out of the blue, Darcy and three of her friends receive an invite from her grandmother Seraphine to join her at her lavish chateau in Provence, France. When the women arrive, Seraphine informs them that she has brought them all there to tell them something very important. However, overnight Seraphine is brutally murdered, and the women must figure out whose secrets are the reason she’s dead.

THE CHATEAU by Jaclyn Goldis is a lavish drama full of secrets, survivors, and picturesque views.

This one alternates among 5+ POVs, each of which felt unique from one another, and was an immediate love for me! However, I feel like we could have learned more about each of the characters and their stories if there wasn’t such a large cast front and center.

My favorite part of this book was the Jewish representation (and the author’s tie-in at the end in her acknowledgments) and the whole storyline and secrets surrounding that, and the mentions of Van Gogh - I could have read an entire book focused on this aspect alone.

Aside from my loves in this one, I found the mystery to be occasionally muddled and the moving parts, while clever, to be confusing at times.

I’d be intrigued to see Jaclyn dive into this genre again!

Thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books/Emily Bestler Books for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Publication Date: May 23, 2023

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