A review by molokovell0cet
Siege of Shadows by Sarah Raughley



*Disclaimer: A copy of Siege Of Shadows by Sarah Raughley was provided to me by Simon & Schuster Canada in exchange for an honest review. This does not effect my opinion in any way.


It feels like I just read Fate Of Flames yesterday...but it also doesn't?! On one hand, I still remember everything that happened in the first novel. On the other, it feels like I have ben waiting for this sequel for a while now! I've been eager to find out what happens next with the Effigies and I was so happy when Simon & Schuster Canada provided me with an ARC of Siege of Shadows!


What I Liked

The Effigies. I love so many things about the Effigies. I love that they each have their own distinct individual personalities. I love that they're diverse. I love that they have their own unique powers and abilities. Whenever a novel contains multiple characters, it's always nice to see them be so different from one another. This really helps you to remember who each of them are without getting confused. These girls came back stronger and more badass since the first book in the series and I'm so glad that they are as awesome as they were when we first met them!

The antagonists. Yes. Plural. I love a good bad guy. Especially within a story that contains 4 girls that can kick some serious ass! The bad guys are always the characters are always the characters that I am drawn to as they have this sense of mystery to them. I consistently want to know what made them the way they are and what they are truly after! While Fate of Flames had a really great antagonist, Siege of Shadows upped the antagonist game and I absolutely loved that about it!

The Toronto references. We all know that award show was inspired by the MMVAs ;)

That ending though. Um, what?! Excuse me?! How are you just going to end a book like that?! Are you kidding me?! I need to know what happens next NOW please.


What I Didn’t Like

A little slow-paced at times. It felt as though the middle section of the novel dragged a little. The beginning of the novel kicked off with an action sequence right off the bat and the end...well, see above for my comments on that ending...but the middle kind of got lost in my opinion. There was a lot mentioned about the Effigies and their stardom and what I was really craving was the action sequences and more villainous drama!


Overall, that ending is going to make my mind spin until book three is released! I mean, holy cow? What the heck?! I have no coherent thoughts, I just know I'll be reading book three as soon as it's released!


To see my full blog tour post, including a Q&A with Sarah Raughley, click here!