A review by notyourhijabi
Clutch by Lisa Becker


I received this e-book for free from the author in exchange of an honest review. This review can also be found at: http://reading-is-dreaming-with-open-eyes.blogspot.com/2015/11/lisa-becker-clutch-novel.html

"Find something you love and hold onto it."

This is my first time reading a book by Lisa Becker, and I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised by her. Let me start with what worked for me in this fun, quick read. I loved the synopsis and the storyline of the book. Caroline is a single purse designer who is on the journey of looking for the perfect clutch- a person to hold on to. We follow her story from the time she was 7 years old, when her aunt Mimi great role in inspiring her to college, where she meets her bestfriend Mike for the first time and then on to the real world where Caroline embarks on the journey of finding true love.

The author used different types of handbags as titles of the chapters and that was really cool! That kept me guessing as to what kind of person Caroline would be dealing with in that chapter and it was a really clever move by the author. I loved reading about her dating misadventures- she really had a knack for falling for the wrong type of guy! The portrayal of friendship between Caroline and Mike was very heart-warming and I loved reading about their relationship.

What didn't work for me, though, was the character development. I felt like we didn't get to know Caroline and Mike at all. Mimi made an occasional appearance in the book, but she could have had a full-fledged role because she would have made a really great character indeed! Caroline had the typical Southern way of talking where she dropped the last G in ever -ing verb, and while it is understandable, it was a little annoying because it felt like the author was trying too hard to drive that little fact about Caroline into our head.

The many relationships in this book made it somehow feel like speed dating, and we only got a glimpse into each relationship. That bothered me quite a lot and had me wishing this was a longer book- 140 pages felt really too short for this story. The romance and the sexy scenes could have been much better too-again, the page-constraint.

Whatever said, clutch: a novel is a light, fluffy read which is a must-read if you're on the lookout for a cute, short chick-lit to devour in one sitting!

The story idea: 4/5
The realization of the story: 2/5
The characters: 2/5
The cover: 2/5
Enjoy factor: 3/5

Final Rating: 3/5