A review by earthseeddetroit
Dust Tracks on a Road by Zora Neale Hurston


I so thoroughly enjoyed this book.

I have read a few classic Zora Neal Hurston novels in the past and I want to pull them out again and I want to read everything that she has ever written. I just relate to her style of writing which is at times a combination of idiom and sarcasm and just no holds barred truth, her truth as she knows it to be. And she makes a lot of good points, political and social and otherwise.

There were a lot of times that her wit made me laugh right out loud. At the same time there was a matter of factness about violence, especially violence against women, that clinched my heart.

I am realizing that she did not talk a lot about her published writings. At the end of the autobiography (that I listened to on audiobook) there is a chronological timeline of her life as well as all of her published works and the list is extensive. Throughout the book she mentions a few notable works but I did not get a feel for how the writing bug was running through her. She spoke a lot about relationships, the nature of friendship, and the fabric of society and how she felt moving within all of her various experiences working at so many odd jobs. But I guess that probably was due to the fact that this was written and originally published in 1942, at a time when she was well known.

This book made me want to immediately purchase the actual book for my library. I want to see her words on paper and I honestly would read it all over again right now if I had it. It was that good to me.