A review by readbydusk
The Fearing: Book One - Fire and Rain by John F.D. Taff


The Fearing is an apocalyptic tale which will be released in four parts over the next four months. This is the first time I'm reading a book in a serialised format so I'm excited to participate! And this is a fantastic opening to the book, full of tension and chaos and horror. There are three points of views, and I'm drawn to all the characters. I'm afraid for them and whatever's in store. I was particularly surprised by the turn of the character Adam but in a good way!

I thought that the writing is vivid and sharp, and no words are wasted. The dialogue sounds natural and there are even brief moments of humour. The characters are left in the dark, facing unimaginable horrors. There is a scene involving butterflies that had me cringing! Nothing is safe in this world. What do you do when your worst fears come to life? Bring on Book Two!

Thank you to the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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