A review by mazer_nickham
Before Watchmen: Comedian/Rorschach by Brian Azzarello


I'm a fan of Brian Azzarello's work, 100 Bullets and his study on Lex Luthor in Luthor were fantastic. That said, his plots can get too complex and muddy for me and that was the case with The Comedian's side of this graphic novel. Political intrigue and the Vietnam War are the name of the game for his story, but the events that take six issues to play out could have easily been covered in half of the time. I do commend Azzarello for making a scummy and villainous character like The Comedian enjoyable to follow, though.

Rorschach's chapter had to have been the easiest to write because practically all the dude does is establish his own Batman style of vigilante justice. His story played out predictably, but the glimpse into Rorschach's social misgivings with the waitress and his ultimate victory were a joy to see. Lee Bermejo's art deserves special mention, it's lush, detailed, colorful, and gritty amazingly all at the same time.