A review by bigbookgeek
Sarah by J.T. LeRoy

The J.T. LeRoy "controversy" is a story that just fascinates me. I love it! Soap Operas have nothing on this shit! That being said, I had never actually read this or any other LeRoy books. Glad I took the time to read through this now, though. This was a twisted, perverse, goofy tale that honestly made me think of a perverse, modern re-imagining of Oliver Twist. I thoroughly enjoyed this story, and found it hard to put down. As the story progresses, the surrealism increases, but you have an underlying sense of raw emotion from our main character, Sarah/She-Rah/Saint Sarah/Sam, a need to be loved and gain approval of her mother. Our heroine is also very ambitious. She knows what she wants, and is quite willing to do whatever it takes to get to that point (to be the best Lot Lizard she can be)!

Warning: must leave pre-concieved moral perceptions at the door!