A review by mehsi
The Stars of History: Marilyn Monroe by Bernard Swysen


I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

I was very much interested in this. Marilyn Monroe is such an interesting person, but sadly this graphic novel didn't work for me. It was boring/bland, at times just jumped around which made me very confused (like when she was singing for the soldiers and then cues to a few months later where we find out that she is being abused by Joe or when she was having a bad Christmas and the next we see she is in prison/clinic), I wasn't fan of the characters and sometimes even wasn't a fan of Monroe. Something just didn't click for me and I found myself checking how far I was constantly. One time I thought I was nearing the end and I still had more than half the pages to go. But I did find out some new things about Marilyn, and I felt for her even more. So many miscarriages, people treating her like crap because she is a woman/blonde.
The art was pretty great though I would have liked them to be more consistent on how characters look, especially Marilyn's body went from one way to another in just a few panels.