A review by sarful
Dance Upon the Air by Nora Roberts



Classic Nora Roberts and if you like her, you’ll love this. Young woman, strong man to fall in love with, small town charm and a little bit of magic. It was well written, but for me, just so-so overall.

It’s about a newly independent young, beautiful woman who’s escaping from her abusive husband and in search of a home. That home is the bucolic little town of Three Sisters Island in Massachusetts. She finds her stride at the local bookshop as a chef and a man in the town sheriff. Only, there’s a nebulous curse on the island, something only briefly talked of from historic lore, and also in the real background of Nell’s abusive husband looming out there.

Nell is a part of a trio of witches. Good witches obviously. And a trio each with their own book, I’m assuming each book breaks each of the three curses the island is in. Even though the book doesn’t really talk about it beyond mentions here and there.

Nell’s ex was a stereotype, effective but stereotypical for sure. Zack was pushy as all get out. I don’t know why Ms. Roberts writes her men like that often, they demand in a pushy way to be a part of her women’s lives. They always demand to be right too. I mean Zack is warm and great half the time, but the other half he’s so pushy. Is that how small town men are?

The jokes and banter tended to be on the antiquated side and a bit eye roll inducing. Sorry but, Leave to Beaver jokes out of a 29 year old mouth? Too dated to be believable to me, way too dated. I know, that’s rude to point out, so why make the characters young then? Also, this world was too cute, too vanilla, too white, too small town and too perfect for me. She just happens to have a catering background and the town just happens to need a caterer. So convenient. Not my cup of tea ultimately. I think I grew out of Nora Roberts. Oh well. She’s still a legend in this genre.