A review by caitcoy
The Ghost, the Owl by Franco


The Ghost, The Owl is the story of a young ghost and the owl who chooses to help her find her way. When the young ghost girl appears in the forest, the owl feels compelled to help her even as his fellow animals would rather wait until she goes away and actively opposed the owl involving himself in "human" matters. But helping the ghost girl will mean confronting a vicious individual who threatens both the ghost girl and someone from the owl's past. It will be up to the owl to decide how much he will risk to help them.

The Ghost, The Owl is an intriguing, very short little story that pairs Franco's writing and the beautiful illustrations of Sara Richard. As befitting a ghost story, the tale feels ephemeral and mystical despite its brevity and the setting and attitutdes of the animals are established without a lot of detail so it may not appeal to those who want less vague storytelling. The theme of helping others without expectation of reward is established with the owl's behavior and the way he interacts with the other characters. But I have to wonder who this story is aimed at. The simplicity and strong themes make it more suited to kids but the illustrations alternate between beautiful and scary so I'm not sure who exactly to recommend it to. Regardless, the tone struck by both the writing and the illustrations fits very well and I enjoyed the experience of reading it.