A review by alyram4
Spectacle: A Historical Thriller in 19th Century Paris by Jodie Lynn Zdrok


4.5/5 stars!

I really loved this! I wasn't so sure how I would feel about this book from just the blurb itself, but after the first few chapters I was hooked! I started reading this late at night, and I struggled to put it down to get some sleep. I'll just say outright that this is a must-read! Definitely on my preorder list once I get back from vacation!

Nathalie discovers an amazing, but also confusing, ability while at the morgue viewing to write for her column in the paper. She struggles to figure out what her visions mean, and why she's getting these all of a sudden. She finds herself tied to the Dark Artist killer terrorizing the streets, and sees that her newfound ability may go deeper than she expected. She delves in the world of scientific magic, psychics, and even the asylum to find some sort of possible explanation for everything, and why she's been made to help find the killer.

I loved most of the characters in this book. I loved learning about Nathalie, her mad aunt, her close friends, and even Chirstophe. The mystery aurrounding the Dark Artist killer, and Nathalie's ability, was so well done. You think something may finally be over, only to realize there are loose strings that still need tying. The books delves deep into scientific magic, and how it is deemed as normal for some, but fearful or shameful for others. Nathalie's struggle of both the acts of the killer, and finding why she's tied to it all, had me glued to the book.

I couldn't get enough of the macabre setting and tone. The ending, while absolutely perfect, has me wanting more. I wanted to know what the future held for Nathalie, and how Paris recuperates from all the events. I absolutely loved this. It's a bit of a long read, but very well worth it and excellently done. I can't wait for this to release so I can get myself a copy lol! Definitely recommended!

ARC given to me by the publisher for free in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.