A review by sam8834
What Fresh Hell Is This?: Perimenopause, Menopause, Other Indignities, and You by Heather Corinna

funny informative


One thing I've learned the hard way about having a uterus is that you really should read up on major changes the body encounters throughout life...before they happen. One could argue there's a little education that happens around puberty, and there are umpteen books about pregnancy and childbirth. But what about perimenopause and menopause? For a life change that can last a decade or more, there aren't many mainstream resources for this, outside of sitcom humor about it.

Enter Heather Corinna. I won't lie, this book bummed me out, lmao. There obviously isn't a lot to look forward to about going through perimenopause. But I'm one of those people who wants to know what's coming, so it felt like a necessary read. It was informative for me, a person who hasn't read much on the topic, though I did have questions that ultimately weren't answered. It's pretty inclusive of all uterus-having people, where most books on this aren't. Corinna's writing style didn't always feel cohesive to me, so it was often not smooth reading, and the format of the book was very clunky - breakout sections in the middle of chapters with no indication (a font change or heading) of it being a breakout section or aside...confusing but probably more the fault of the book designer than the author.