A review by sandizzlereads
Truly's Biker by Misty Walker


I have come to expect certain things when my 1-click authors have new releases. I never read any blurbs I always go in blind because I know these authors will never disappoint. Misty Walker NEVER disappoints, in whatever genre, whatever trope, she delivers. This is an action packed, emotional ride that will grab you by the hair and hold on tight til the end!

Roch is silent but deadly except when it comes to Truly, she made an impression from the moment they met. Truly has known Roch is the man for her, now the question is can she make him see the same? Can she become a part of his world?

In this dark, gritty world we get to see what is in store for these two as well as getting to visit with some old friends. I really enjoyed spending time with Roch and Truly, do not miss out on this one!